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Metropolitan carries Nielsen metal floater frames for paintings. These metal floater frames are designed for standard 3/4" and 1-1/2" heavy duty paintings on canvas or cradles. They are available in matte black and german silver finishes. All are custom cut to your specifications. Frames are predrilled and screws are supplied.

Metal Floater Frames - Profile 14
Nielsen's 14 metal floater frame was designed for 1-1/4" stretcher bars or cradled panels. This will allow a recess of 1/4" from the top of the frame. We recommend recessing the painting to provide protection when moving and installing exhibitions. The recess can be varied by placing a shim behind the artwork before you screw in the artwork from behind.

Metal Floater Frames - Profile 13
Nielsen's 13 metal floater frame was designed for 3/4" stretcher bars or cradled panels. This will allow a recess of 1/2" from the top of the frame. We recommend recessing the painting to provide protection when moving and installing exhibitions. The recess can be varied by placing a shim behind the artwork before you screw in the artwork from behind.